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Embracing Life at 29: A Woman who's Bolder, Stronger, and Wiser

age 29 of someone who's bolder, stronger, and wiser

Bolder. Stronger. Wiser.

This is how I would describe myself now as a 29-year-old woman. I’ve learned a lot of things over the past several years, so I want to take some time to reflect on them.

I’m happy that I'm continuously working on developing myself. At the same time, I'm doing the things that I like and that brings me joy. The things that I did and have been doing make me who I am now. I can see the growth if I compare my current self to the girl I was four years ago.

I would say that my 25-year-old self was anxious, shy, too quiet, didn’t know what she liked, had low self-esteem, was introverted, didn’t like spending much time with other people, could not speak up for herself, felt lonely, and was depressed. The COVID-19 pandemic and other personal problems affected me a lot at that time. I even lost the motivation to work towards my goals.

I undertook many activities that contributed to my growth and development. This is something that I would like to look back on to remind myself that I’m doing better now. It’s a small celebration as well to acknowledge that I've been through several challenges, yet here I am, feeling good about myself.

I am bolder.

I went through a lot of introspection to understand what had crushed my confidence, made me scared to express myself, and led me to want to hide. It took a few years for me to start feeling excited and looking forward to things again. I can clearly remember the moment when I realized, “I don’t know myself.”

What really helped me gain confidence was getting to know my authentic self. I became aware of the qualities that make me unique. These qualities had always been within me, but I didn't know how to bring them out. Interestingly, one of those qualities is confidence. It took me some time to believe it and embody it.

It took courage for me to open up to others. It was hard at first because it was new for me to share a part of myself with others. But I knew I needed to do something about it.

I started doing things that seemed new and uncomfortable for me. I did them over and over again until they felt natural to me. One example was joining an international hiking group. Before going to the first event, I was a bit nervous and thought maybe I'd only talk with one person, and that would be okay. The important thing for me at that time was that I showed up. It turned out that I ended up talking with dozens of other people!

I decided to attend more of these international events, meet new people, and become comfortable socializing. It gave me the confidence to show up as my true self and talk with others.

Now, I enjoy being with other people. It has become easier for me to communicate and connect with others. Socializing isn’t a barrier anymore.

It takes boldness to attend an event or meet a group of people you've never met.

It takes boldness to express your thoughts and feelings without worrying about others' opinions.

It takes boldness to undertake a challenge and step out of your comfort zone.

I am stronger.

I have been focusing on improving my mental, physical, and emotional well-being. I believe that self-improvement starts from within, so I started by evaluating my mental and emotional state. I took the initiative to identify the factors holding me back from pursuing my goals.

Seeking therapy was a crucial step for me to address past emotional pain. I also started working with coaches to help me move forward and focus on activities that bring me joy and fulfilment.

It's liberating to be able to observe our thoughts and feelings. There are always internal dialogues in our minds, and they will always be present. However, we have the choice of whether we want to engage in those thoughts or focus on what matters most to us. Meditation and yoga have been very helpful in keeping me grounded and quieting my mind. Journaling has been a freeing practice for me.

It's important to have the mental and emotional strength to deal with things. But it's also okay to acknowledge and express our feelings. There are times when we need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Showing vulnerability doesn't mean we are weak; it actually shows our strength and courage to express our true feelings.

I've made sure to maintain an active lifestyle. Since I spend most of my time working in front of a computer, I can feel discomfort from sitting for too long or staying in the same position for hours. I understand the importance of keeping my body moving, so I'm glad I now regularly go to the gym and make time for weekly runs. Additionally, I prioritize eating healthy and taking good care of myself.

You are mentally strong when you can observe your thoughts, remain optimistic, and still prioritize what's important to you.

You are emotionally strong when you allow yourself to be vulnerable when necessary, and remain grounded when others need your support.

You are physically strong when you lead an active lifestyle, nourish yourself, and take care of your well-being.

I am wiser. 

I consider myself wiser as a result of my experiences and my curiosity to keep learning. Being open to understanding different beliefs has helped me realize that the world has so much to offer.

I've gained wisdom from the people around me and the people I've met, acquired knowledge from training and courses I've attended, and gained insights from the books I've read.

When I learned more about how to socialize with other people, I realized that there’s so much to learn from others. I enjoy having meaningful conversations. It’s nice to have a diverse group of friends and acquaintances from different backgrounds because they bring perspectives based on their own experiences and culture. It was enlightening to know that we may come from different backgrounds, yet we can always have something in common. And that brings the dynamism in the group.

I make an effort to educate myself on topics that interest and matter to me, whether they're related to my work or general knowledge. While I don't aim to know everything, it's important for me to broaden my understanding and gain different perspectives.

Being wise doesn’t mean that you’re smarter than others. 

Being wise is gaining experience and knowledge over time.

Being wise is acknowledging that you still have room for growth and you are willing to learn. 

Even though I try to remain positive, I also have fears. I noticed that I've been trying, doing, and learning different things because I’m afraid that I may not have as much freedom when I get older. Getting older comes with acceptance, acknowledgment, and appreciation. This is something that I have to constantly remind myself. There are still a lot of things for me to develop, learn, and improve, and age shouldn’t be getting in the way of someone’s aspirations. Right now, I want to embrace the feeling of someone who's bolder, stronger, and wiser.

I hope that you will also discover what is most important to you, recognize your authentic qualities, understand your needs and purpose, and be open to seeking support from other people. Feeling supported, heard, and seen can be empowering. Take the time to pursue your passions and do what makes you happy.


Sending Virtual Hug...

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