There was an instance when I had to process the notarization of some legal documents from the Philippines in the country where I reside, the Netherlands. I was buying a house, and the developer required a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) to authorize another person to sign some documents on my behalf. The staff informed me that I must submit the SPA and other documents to the consulate office and have them notarized. I wrote this article to share how I did it.

Contacting the Consulate Office
I sent an inquiry to the contact details on the Philippine embassy's website, and they advised me to send an email with my complete name and question to visa@philembassy.nl for any of the following concerns:
Philippine Visa
Acknowledgment of Documents (i.e., Special Power of Attorney, Affidavit, Au Pair-Host Family Contract, Contract to Sell, Quitclaim, Extra-Judicial Settlement, and so forth)
Overseas Voter Registration
Au Pair Registration
I got a response from thehaguepeconsular@gmail.com or thpeconsular@gmail.com, so it's better to direct your concerns to either of these emails.
Evaluation of documents
The consulate office evaluated my documents first before they set an appointment for my request. They asked me to send the following details through email:
Email address
Mobile phone number
Clear copy of valid passport
The document(s) I want to be notarized
After sending the needed information, someone replied about the schedule of my appointment, and I had to confirm it within 72 hours. If you need a different schedule, let them know as soon as possible so they can reschedule and give your slot to someone else.
The office is open during weekdays, 9:00 am-11:30 am and 1:00 pm-3:30 pm. Remember, the Philippine Embassy follows the public holidays in the Philippines and the Netherlands, so they're closed during those days.
What to prepare during the appointment
I had to bring the documents I wanted to get notarized, and the embassy staff asked me to print duplicate copies of the following:
Two (2) sets of your accomplished document, which you will personally sign at the Embassy
Two (2) copies of the data page of your valid passport
Additional Requirements:
Original valid passport
Valid ID (residence permit)
Self-addressed envelope with three stamps for mailing
Health declaration form
Since I scheduled my appointment during the Covid-19 pandemic, the embassy asked me to submit the Heath Declaration form (English/Dutch) they sent through email.
How to go to the Embassy of the Philippines
Laan Copes van Cattenburch 125,
2585 EZ Den Haag
The Netherlands
The office is very accessible. You can easily navigate it using Google Maps or the 9292 apps. If you're using public transport, you can take a tram.
Health Protocols
The following list is the health protocols sent to me through email:
Only the applicant can enter the Embassy 2-3 minutes before the appointment scheduled.
Wear your face mask before entering the Embassy, and do not remove it while inside the premises.
Sanitize your hands with alcohol available at the Embassy entrance before entering the Consular Area.
Avoid using your mobile phones when not necessary, and observe silence.
If you are not feeling well or are experiencing respiratory problems on the day of your appointment, please do not come for everyone's protection and safety. Send us an email to cancel your appointment, and we will reschedule you.
Appointment Protocols
The consulate office also sent some reminders about the appointment protocols, as written below:
1. Register on the Visitor's Log Sheet at the Consular Area's entrance.
2. Be seated and wait to be called by the Consular Officer.
3. At the processing window, submit the following:
Two sets of your accomplished document, which you will personally sign here at the Embassy
Original valid passport
Two copies of the data page of your valid passport
Self-addressed envelope with three stamps for mailing
4. Go to the CASHIER at Window 3 to pay €22.50 and receive your receipt.
Note: It is €22.50 per document. If you want to notarize a copy of the document, you have to pay for it too.
After your transaction, exit the Embassy immediately to allow the next applicant with an appointment to enter.
The Philippine Embassy will mail your document[ to you on the next working day. The Embassy will not be held responsible for lost/damaged documents sent by mail.
The Philippine Embassy is now accepting debit card payments, so you don't have to worry about bringing cash anymore.
Where to get an A4 envelope and stamps
You can easily purchase A4 envelopes and Dutch stamps (domestic/within the Netherlands) online (PostNL webshop) or in-store, like Primera and Albert Heijn. The embassy will use the self-addressed envelope with three stamps for mailing back the documents to you.
It's also best to get International stamps if you send the documents to the Philippines.
At the embassy, the staff will ask you to write your complete name and address on the back of the envelope in big, bold letters. You'll also stick three stamps on its upper right side.
After completing all the steps above, the staff advised me to wait for them to send my notarized documents to my home address. To make it easier, book an appointment before going to the Philippine Embassy and prepare the requirements beforehand.
